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Eating the own soup - No matter how it tastes

More cooking experience from the eSOA front.

As I discussed in the previous entry, one should always implement the fancy concepts that one proposes, i.e., eating the own soup. However, the sown soup does not necessarily taste good and can lead to serious pain. Just remember all the cooking experiments during your studies at university...

In the case of service science, an ingredient of the own soup are experiments, which (hopefully) support the claims one makes in a paper. The challenge is to create this experiments with sometimes hundreds of services. Fortunately, there are tools which help to create service testbeds. Unfortunately, these tools also have some limitations which make their use a bit difficult.

So, what do we do now? I guess, it's up to us: if we want to produce good work we have no other choice than to actually eat the own soup - no matter how it tastes :-); if not, our results lack credibility and the impact reduced. We decide, but in doubt I'd go for the own soup - even if if the taste is "special".


- Martin Treiber


PS: I'm currently trying to set up a public Genesis testbed. Believe me, this soup is tasting "special".

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