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Integration Framework: Validation and Personalisation (WP-IA-3.2)

by Maike Uhlig last modified Apr 07, 2011 13:14


The primary objective of this workpackage is to consolidate and validate the integrated framework for service engineering and adaptation, which is defined in WP-IA-3.1.

This validation and personalisation will be achieved according to the following detailed objectives:

  •  A validation of the integrated framework through suitable industrial case studies. The definition of the validation scenarios will start with a collection and analysis of existing scenarios through a systematic survey. Next existing scenarios may be analyzed and extended, or in case appropriate ones are lacking, new scenarios may be devised. The ultimate goal of the validation is to revise and improve the integrated framework. For this reason it will be conducted iteratively in different phases of the duration of the activity.
  • An empirical evaluation of the building blocks of the integration framework. The empirical evaluation will use, for instance, demonstrators, experiments, case studies and other appropriate empirical research methods. This objective will be supported by providing access to evaluation setups and results via the IRF.

Together, those tasks will support the consolidation of the interfaces (defined in Task T-IA-3.1.2) among the different elements of the IRF, as well as a consolidation of the comprehensive engineering and adaptation principles, techniques and methodologies to the S-Cube convergence knowledge model.


This activity (WP-IA-3.2) is coordinated by University of Duisburg-Essen.


A list of deliverables of this workpackage can be found here.
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