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S-Cube Management (Mgt-1)

by Andreas Gehlert last modified Feb 02, 2010 11:00

Management Structure

The S-Cube Network of Excellence is managed by four boards/committees: The Network Management Board (NMB), the Governing Board (GB), the Steering Committee (SC) and the General Assembly (GA). In addition the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) and the Project Liaison Advisory Board (IAB) provides advice to S-Cube.

S-Cube Organisational Structure

Project Liason Advisory Board (IAB) Industrial Advisory Board (IAB)

Network Management Board

The Network of Excellence is managed by the Network Management Board (NMB). The members of the NMB are the Network Coordinator (NC), the Scientific Director (SD) and the Administrative and Financial Manager (AFM). The board is responsible for the day to day management of S-Cube, for monitoring the quality of integration between all activities, for monitoring the key performance indicators and the financial management. The Network Coordinator, Scientific Director and the Administrative and Financial Manager have the following responsibilities:

  • Network Coordinator: The Network Coordinator supervises the integration activities IA-2, IA-3 and the Joint Research Activity JRA-1 and is the project's interface to external contact such as organisations and the European Commission.
  • Scientific Director: The Scientific Director coordinates, monitors and supervises the Spread of Excellence Activity, the Integration Activity IA-1 and the Joint Research Activity JRA-2. In addition, he deals with gender issues and monitors intellectual property rights.
  • Administrative and Financial Manager: The administrative and financial Manager organises and prepares cost statements to the European Commission, prepares the financial and accounting report for the Steering Committee and the Governing Board, sends reports and deliverables to the European Commission and manages travel funds.

Governing Board

Members of the Governing Board are representatives from each beneficiary, the Network Coordinator, the Scientific Director and the Administrative and Financial Manager. Its responsibilities include the resolution of conflicts with impact on strategic objectives and resources, the dispatching of funding between the beneficiaries and to remove and accept S-Cube partners.

Steering Committee

Members of the Steering Committee (SC) are the Activity Leaders (AL), the Network Coordinator and the Scientific Director. The Steering Committee is responsible for deciding about the quality of the deliverables, for resolving conflicts within the activities and workpackages, to redistribute efforts and tasks if needed, to resolve property rights issues and to decide whether or not to accept an associate members.

General Assembly

Members of the General Assembly are the Network Coordinator, the Scientific Director, the Administrative and Financial Manager as well as all Activity and Workpackage Leaders.

Industry Advisory Board

The goal of the Industrial Advisory Board is to connect S-Cube with the industry. The responsibility of the board includes to advice the Steering Committee about the relevance of the activities and new directions taken by the industry. In addition, they monitor S-Cube's results and suggest improvements. A list of current members of the board can be found here.

Project Liaison Advisory Board

The goal of the Project Liaison Advisory Boards is to connect S-Cube with its associated projects to exploit possible synergies. Its task is to advice the Steering Committee on strategic orientation in its association with related national and international projects.
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