4th International Workshop on Monitoring, Adaptation and Beyond (MONA+)
MONA+ 2011, collocated with ServiceWave 2011, October 26-28,
Poznan, Poland
The explosion of information and the ongoing trend towards dynamic large-scale systems demands for novel and innovative solutions for building and managing tomorrow's software systems. Software services have emerged as a key concept for building flexible and distributed systems. However, managing, changing and extending complex service-oriented systems is costly, time consuming and error prone. To overcome these issues they have to become drastically more flexible: they should be able to operate and evolve in highly dynamic environments and to adequately identify and react to various changes in these environments. In such a setting, adaptation becomes a key capability as it enables services and applications to continuously adjust themselves in order to satisfy new requirements and demands dictated by the environment. The adaptability relies on the presence of monitoring mechanisms and facilities to identify, detect, and predict critical events and situations that occur in the environment.
Workshop Scope
MONA+ 2011 aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from different communities and want to provide a platform for discussing the current state of ongoing research in the field of monitoring and adaptation of service systems. The scope of the workshop has been extended to accommodate the developments in the field of novel delivery approaches like Cloud Computing and Crowdsourcing.
MONA+ 2011 will be the fourth workshop in a series of successful workshops:
- MONA+ 2010: collocated with ECOWS 2010 attracted over 15
participants and has received 12 submissions, of which 7 were
- MONA+ 2009: collocated with ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009 attracted over 50 participants and has received 25 paper submissions, of which 14 have been accepted.
- MONA+ 2008: collocated with ServiceWave 2008 attracted over 20
We solicit high quality papers in the broader area of service-oriented systems. Relevant application domains include:
- Service-oriented Architecture
- Web Services
- Cloud and Grid Computing
- Large-scale Systems
- Social Computing and Crowdsourcing
Contributions are sought that describe relevant aspects of monitoring and adaptation in service-oriented systems, such as:
- Design and Engineering
- Enabling Mechanisms for Monitoring and Adaptation
- Management and Control
- Prediction and Proactivity
- Robustness and Dependability
- Theories, Models, and Foundations
- Experiences and Case Studies
Furthermore, the application of algorithms and concepts from various fields that enable for monitoring and adaptation in service-oriented systems is of relevance for the workshop. Examples include:
- Machine Learning
- Mathematical Optimization
- Artificial Intelligence
- Soft Computing
- Nature-inspired approaches
- Autonomic Computing
Important Dates
Paper Submissions: (Extended) September 9, 2011
Notifications: September 26, 2011
Workshop Date: October 28, 2011
Submissions and Evaluation
Papers can be electronically submitted using EasyChair and should not exceed 12 pages formatted according to the Springer LNCS proceedings guidelines. Submissions will be evaluated according to the relevance and originality of the work and to their ability to generate discussion among the workshop participants.
MONA+ will produce post-workshop proceedings, which will allow you as
an author to incorporate the comments received during the workshop.
Authors of accepted papers will receive a separate notification about
the camera-ready copy submission after the workshop. The post-workshop
proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series.
Coming soon..
Organizing Committee
Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano,
Mail: luciano.baresi_AT_polimi.it
Dimka Karastoyanova, University of Stuttgart,
Mail: karastoyanova_AT_iaas.uni-stuttgart.de
Annapaola Marconi, FBK-IRST, Trento,
Mail: marconi_AT_fbk.eu
Florian Rosenberg, IBM T. J. Watson Research
Center, USA
Mail: rosenberg_AT_us.ibm.com
, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Mail: satzger_AT_infosys.tuwien.ac.atProgram Committee
Peter Bartalos, University of Notre Dame, USA
Domenico Bianculli, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Antonio Bucchiarone, FBK-IRST, Trento, Italy
Dimitris Dranidis, SEERC, Greece
Sam Guinea, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Sascha Hunold, Heidelberg University, Germany
Raman Kazhamiakin, SayService srl, Italy
Emanuel Kitzelmann, ICSI, Berkeley, USA
Florian Kluge, Augsburg University, Germany
Oliver Moser, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Liliana Pasquale, LERO, Ireland
Szabolcs Rozsnyai, IBM Research, USA
Jacek Serafinski, Telcordia, Poland
PDF Version of CfP
Can be downloaded from here.
Past Workshops
Link to past workshops.