2nd Workshop on Monitoring, Adaptation and Beyond (MONA+)
A Workshop held at the ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009 Conference.
MONA+ 2009 Collocated with ICSOC/ServiceWave November 23-24, 2009 |
The advances in modern technology and the constantly evolving requirements implied by dynamic business and operational environments impose new challenges for engineering and provisioning Service Based Applications (SBAs). SBAs have to become drastically more flexible; they should be able to operate and evolve in highly dynamic environments and to adequately identify and react to various changes in these environments. In such a setting, adaptation becomes a key capability of SBAs as it enables these applications to continuously change themselves in order to satisfy new requirements and demands dictated by the environment. The ability of the application to adapt relies on the presence of monitoring mechanisms and facilities to identify, detect, and even predict critical events and situations that occur in the SBA environment.
A variety of approaches and techniques addressing different forms of monitoring and adaptation have been proposed to date. Still, for delivering robust, dependable, and highly adaptable SBAs the definition of holistic approaches is crucial. This requires the integration of the efforts of researchers from various disciplines and research areas. More specifically, this requires the integration across the different layers of an SBA, including the business layer, the service layer, the infrastructure layer, and the network layer. In addition, different competences, such as requirements, design, quality assurance, realization, and management need to be brought together to devise those holistic approaches.
Drawing on the success of the fist MONA+ workshop (collocated with the ServiceWave 2008 conference), the MONA+ 2009 workshop aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines with various research background. The goal of MONA+ is to try to understand and establish the shared knowledge necessary for developing novel holistic approaches for SBA monitoring and adaptation.
The analysis of the state of the art undertaken by S-Cube, the European Network of Excellence on Software, Services and Systems (www.s-cube-network.eu) clearly points out that the fragmentation and incompleteness in the research and the lack of a holistic framework are amongst the most relevant obstacles in the area of monitoring and adaptation.
The main objectives for this workshop are hence to bring together researchers from the different communities working on SBA monitoring and adaptation and to start identifying shared research challenges and developing comprehensive approaches.
The special focus for this second
edition of the workshop will be on the relations and interdependencies
between the network layer and the service layer, on how the monitoring
and adaptation mechanisms provided at these two layers can better
interoperate, and on how to better support an integrated design and
management of monitoring and adaptation across these two layers.
Topics of interest for the workshop include but are not limited to:
- Monitoring and adaptation mechanisms, frameworks, and architectures
- Monitoring and adaptation within/across business, service, infrastructure and network layers
- Self-adaptation and human-in-the-loop adaptation
- Context-aware monitoring and adaptation
- Design principles, patterns, techniques and methods for monitoring and adaptation
- Predictive monitoring and pro-active adaptation
- Verification of adaptation and of adaptable systems
- Autonomic network features that benefit applications and services
- Inter-working of adaptation in the service-layer and adaptation in the network-layer
- Network-layer awareness to applications and services
We welcome in particular contributions on these topics that address the relations between network-related and service-related aspects of monitoring and adaptation.
Paper Submission Deadline: Thursday, September 24
Author Notification: October 14, 2009
Early Registration Deadline (for ICSOC/SwerviceWave) (EXTENDED): October 31, 2009
Pre-Workshop CRC Deadline: November 19, 2009
MONA+ 2009 Workshop: November 23-24, 2009
CRC Deadline for Post-Workshop Papers: 2010 (TBA)
Submission of Final Papers
Post-Workshop Camera Ready Copy
MONA+ will produce post-workshop proceedings, which will allow you as an author to incorporate the comments received during the workshop. Authors of accepted papers will receive a separate notification about the CRC submission after the workshop.
Please follow the formatting requirements from Springer LNCS: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.
Papers should not exceed 15 pages.
Monday, November 23 |
16:30-18:00 | Welcome & Introduction | |
Monitoring (Chair: Andreas Metzger) |
Adrian Mos, Carlos Pedrinaci, Guillermo Alvaro Rey, Jose Manuel Gomez, Dong Liu, Guillaume Vaudaux-Ruth and Samuel Quaireau. Multi-Level Monitoring and Analysis of Web-Scale Service Based Applications | |
Martin Treiber, Vasilios Andrikopoulos and Schahram Dustdar. Calculating Service Fitness in Service Networks | ||
Ateeq Khan, Azeem Lodhi and Gamal Kassem, Gunter Saake. Applying Process Mining in SOA Environment | ||
Anastasios Zafeiropoulos, Athanassios Liakopoulos, Alan Davy and Ranganai Chaparadza. Monitoring within an Autonomic Network: A GANA based Network Monitoring Framework | ||
Tuesday, November 24 |
9:00-11:00 (Starting at 9:00 instead of 9:30) |
Welcome (Day 2) | |
Frameworks (Chair: Dimka Karastoyanova) |
Razvan Popescu, Athanasios Staikopoulos and Siobhán Clarke. An Extensible Monitoring and Adaptation Framework | |
Raman Kazhamiakin, Marco Pistore and Asli Zengin. Cross-layer Adaptation and Monitoring of Service-Based Applications | ||
Nikolay Tcholtchev, Monika Grajzer and Bruno Vidalenc. Towards a Unified Architecture for Resilience, Survivability and Autonomic Fault-Management for Self-Managing Networks | ||
Mechanisms (Chair: Dimka Karastoyanova) |
Khaled Mahbub and Andrea Zisman. Replacement Policies for Service-Based Systems | |
Hanna Eberle, Oliver Kopp, Tobias Unger and Frank Leymann. Retry Scopes to Enable Robust Workflow Execution in Pervasive Environments | ||
BREAK | ||
11:30-13:30 |
Business-Level Adaptation (Chair: Ranganai Chaparadza) |
Rainer von Ammon, Thomas Ertlmaier, Opher Etzion, Alexander Kofman and Thomas Paulus. Integrating Complex Events for Collaborating and Dynamically Changing Business Processes |
Kresimir Vidackovic, Nico Weiner, Holger Kett and Thomas Renner. Towards Business-Oriented Monitoring and Adaptation of Service Based Applications from a Process Owner’s Viewpoint | ||
Raman Kazhamiakin, Branimir Wetzstein, Dimka Karastoyanova, Marco Pistore and Frank Leymann. Adaptation of Service-Based Applications Based on Process Quality Factor Analysis | ||
Content and
Data (Chair: Ranganai Chaparadza) |
Vassilios Kaldanis, Ranganai Chaparadza, Giannis Katsaros and George Karantonis. Delivering Multimedia in Autonomic Networking Environments | |
Dragan Ivanovic, Manuel Carro and Manuel Hermenegildo. An Initial Proposal for Data-Aware Resource Analysis of Orchestrations with Applications to Proactive Monitoring | ||
Closing |
Ranganai Chaparadza, FOKUS, Fraunhofer, Germany (acting as PC Chair)
Mail: Ranganai.Chaparadza_AT_fokus.fraunhofer.de
Dimka Karastoyanova, IAAS, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Mail: karastoyanova_AT_iaas.uni- stuttgart.de
Raman Kazhamiakin, FBK-IRST, Trento, Italy
Mail: raman_AT_fbk.eu
Andreas Metzger, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (acting as PC Chair)
Mail: andreas.metzger_AT_sse.uni-due.de
Marco Pistore, FBK-IRST, Trento, Italy
Mail: pistore_AT_fbk.eu
Program Committee
- Manuel Carro, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Alan Davy, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
- Andreas Gehlert, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Mary Grammatikou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
- Sam Guinea, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Vassilios Kaldanis, Velti Services, Greece
- Patricia Lago, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Athanassios Liakopoulos, GRNET, Greece
Antonio Lozano Lopez, Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, Spain
- Michele Mancioppi, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
- Ralph Mietzner, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Juan Manuel Gonzalez Munyoz, Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, Spain
- Zsolt Nemeth, MTA SZTAKI, Hungary
Joerg Nitzsche, Daimler AG, Germany
Symeon Papavassiliou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
- Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Pierluigi Plebani, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Robert Szabo, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
- Martin Treiber, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Tammo van Lessen, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Branimir Wetzstein, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Links to research projects
This workshop is sponsored by the S-Cube Network of Excellence and EFIPSANS.